Central New England Polymer Clay Guild | home
Prepared by Amy
June, 2000
Meeting Date: Saturday, June 17, 2000
Attendees: Paula, Diane, Deborah, Yoshiko, Emily and Amy. Welcome to our newest member, Kim.
Regrets: Darleen, Christine R. and Christine P. and Dawn.
Polymer Clay News
The June meeting was the first under the library's new hours. The library was exceptionally quiet, except for the clayers in the McIntyre room.
Paula researched the issue of baking clay during clay days at the library. It looks like we will be able to give it a try at a future meeting. The McIntyre room has windows that open, which will help with ventilation. We can also bring in a small fan to help with circulation.
I am pleased to announce the grand "opening" of the guild's new web site. Kim volunteered to set up a temporary site using TrellixWeb, which is a product of her company, Trellix Corp. in Concord. Keep in mind that the web site is a work in progress. Thank you to all members who volunteered their services in creating a web site. Check out our new web site at newenglandclay.tripod.com.
Irene Semanchuk Dean (North Carolina) announced the publication of her new book, The Weekend Crafter - Polymer Clay. Irene's book covers 20 projects that can be enjoyed by both beginners and experienced clayers. Her book is published by Lark books. Contributors include Diane Villano, Jody Bishel, Heather Roselli, Harriet Smith, Debbie Kreuger, and Edie Siegel. Irene has created some beautiful pieces. You can read more about the book and see her work at www.good-night-irene.com. Irene has made the following offer to those interested in buying her book: The books are $14.95 (plus 6% tax in NC) and I will offer to pay for 4th class book rate shipping for anyone who orders gets the book directly from me, which is equivalent to about a 10% discount. To order Irene's book, you may visit her web site, http://www.good-night-irene.com or contact her via email at fatbak@pobox.com.
The guild provided an informal demonstration on the Skinner Blend. Two and three color blends were explored. To learn more about the Skinner blend, visit http://www.thepolyparrot.com/blends.html
Web Sites
Diane Black has created a new web site. She has compiled mountains of polymer clay information, tips and tricks and put it online. This is a work in progress as she continues to add more information. Bookmark and check back often. http://www.glassattic.com
Check out Sarajane Helm's web site. Some of her work is being offered on eBay. Lots of goodies to look at www.polyclay.com
If you like to use rubberstamps with your polymer clay, visit this web site for information on "Angel" companies. These are rubber stamp companies that give permission to crafters to use their images in work (i.e. hand stamped) that they wish to sell. http://www.littlebit.com/AngelList/angellist.htm
Swaps, Show and Tell
Diane shared a new discovery: Stretch Magic. Stretch Magic is a bead and jewelry cord that stretches. It is not elastic…it is better than elastic! It reminded me of stretchy string. Stretch Magic comes on a spool and is available in various colors. It can be found at Michael's and A.C. Moore.
Paula has acquired back issues of the NPCG newsletter, The Polyinformer. Back issues of The Polyinformer are usually available for a small fee to NPCG members. Apparently, NPCG had more back issues than demand and made them available to local guilds for their guild libraries. If you would like to read a back issue, contact Paula at FobiDough@aol.com. All back issues are property of the guild.
Amy visited the Danforth Museum Craft Festival on Friday, June 16. What a pleasant surprise! The show had three polymer clay artists, including Shellie Brooks (Cambridge MA), City Zen Cane and Barbara Sperling (Center Conway, NH). Amy shared earrings created by Barbara. She also shared Marie Segal's newest book, Family and Friends in Polymer Clay.
Next Meeting
Our next meeting is on Saturday, July 15 from 10-12:30. Please note the new summer hours.
Future Meetings
All meeting dates are tentative, pending library approval. All winter meeting dates are subject to cancellation due to inclement weather. Use your best judgement. Please note the different meeting times for the summer and fall meetings.
Saturday, August 19, 2000, 10:00 - 12:30
Saturday, September 16, 2000, 12:30 - 3:00
Saturday, October 21, 2000, 12:30 - 3:00
Saturday, November 11, 2000, 12:30 - 3:00
Guild Swaps
July Swap details:
Theme: The Skinner Blend (You choose the color combinations, 2, 3, ?)
Format: Beads
Requirements: 12 beads. The beads should be no larger than one square inch and no smaller than ¾ inch. The shape and design are your choice, but the bead must meet the size requirements. All beads must be ready for stringing.
Due Date: Next guild meeting, Saturday, July 15.
Please put the beads in a baggie and include your name. If you are unable to make the next meeting, you may send your beads to me. Please include money or stamps for return postage.
One or two beads will go toward the guild bead strand. If you have any questions, please email Amy at aac@thecia.net. If you intend to participate, please RSVP by Saturday, June 24.
Polymer Clay Classes
New: July 21, Techniques for Success with Polymer Clay, Barbara Heinisch, Brookfield Craft Center, Brookfield CT, www.brookfieldcraftcenter.org
New: August 2-4, Polymer Clay Intensive, Louise Fisher-Cozzi, Brookfield Craft Center, Brookfield, CT, www.brookfieldcraftcenter.org
New: October 6-8, Fimo: Millefiori and More!, Laura Curran, Horizons: The New England Craft Program, Williamsburg, MA, www.horizons-art.org.
June 24-25, Working Magic with City Zen Cane at The Interlaken School of Art, Stockbridge, MA, $225, Intermediate/Advanced Level. For more information contact: The Interlaken School of Art, Art, PO Box 1400, Stockbridge, MA 01262; or e-mail them at makeart@bcn.net; or telephone (413) 298-5252
June 26-August 1, Introduction to Polymer Clay, Wednesdays, 9am-12 noon, Worcester Center for Crafts, Worcester, MA. www.craftcenter.worcester.org.
July 12-16 Polymer Clay Haven, Polymer Clay Event, Bellarmine College in Louisville, KY. This event offers 28 classes, 14 demonstrations and two informational talks.
Other Guild Meetings
Southern New Hampshire Polymer Clay Guild meets the second Tuesday of each month, 6:30 - 9:30pm at the Peterboro Craft Center, Peterboro, NH. Contact Betty Abdu, 603-774-0011 or badu@Lr.net.
Southern Connecticut Polymer Clay Guild meets the third Saturday of each month, except December, at The Rock Garden, Branford, CT. Contact Diane Villano, 203-467-7090 or DianeVillano@yale.edu. Web site: http://members.home.net/melanctha
Rhode Island Polymer Clay Guild meets the last Saturday of each month. Locations currently vary. Contact Sandy at smbeaudry@ids.net or Pat at melanctha@home.com. The June meeting will be on Saturday, July 1, 2000 (because of the ClayConneCTion - June 23-25) The July meeting will be on Saturday, July 29, 2000 (on the FIFTH Saturday of the month) The August meeting will be on Saturday, August 26, 2000. All of these meetings are in Woonsocket.